Peter Nappi Studio Announces Bonnaroo Works Fundraiser and Sweepstakes with Margo Price

For the second year, Peter Nappi and Bonnaroo Works Fund (BWF) are partnering to raise awareness and funds for to benefit arts, education, and environmental organizations, primarily in the Davidson and Coffee County areas. The event will be ticketed, $75, with $50 of proceeds going to BWF.

Peter Nappi Studio Bonnaroo Works Fundraiser with Margo Price

When: Wednesday, June 7, 2017, 6:00 PM
Where: Peter Nappi Studio, 1308 Adams Street, Nashville, TN 37208
Tickets: $75 - Available Here

You may also enter to win event passes, Peter Nappi gift certificates, and a trip for two to Nashville!  Visit the official event page for contest details!